Participation in the Realms

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Is there any conclusive evidence that we are in a simulation?


The fact that minuscule earth is the center of culture in the vast expanse of the universe informs me that the earth is a special location, a stage upon which a massively intense amount of dramatic activity takes place, which makes the earth the focus of the entire universe.

The fact that our ancestors possessed and passed down knowledge about spirals and etched them on rocks and they were obsessed with it tells me that the universe is shaped as a spiral which is in truth the blueprint of the cosmos at every level.

Our ancestors understood the idea that space exhibits complexity i.e. that space exhibits variegation in shape and color and that space is used as a canvas for the Supreme Artist to express its love for beautiful shapes.

In terms of human behavior, beautiful characteristics that the Supreme Artist is looking for among His - used in the genderless sense - subjects is excellence in worship, which can be defined as “to worship God as if you see Him and if you don’t see Him, nonetheless he sees you.”

This is the crux of the simulation: Understanding and participating, reflecting cosmic harmonies through, worship and remembrance of the Divine.

Cosmic harmonies are primarily an immanential phenomenon of Divine subjectivity that is observed in the realm of objective phenomena. The cosmos is an exhibition of Divine harmonic expression. The Divine serenades to humans in particular in order to attract them.

To delve a little deeper into harmonies, fractals in the cosmos are intended to have a psychedelic yet sobering effect on the human being, psychedelic because exuberant, and sobering because austere, always reminding humans that harmonies reflect unity. Fractals belong to the realm of pure mathematics - associated with the unit circle - but finds its way as manifestations in the beauty of nature.

The Muslim call to prayer exhbits the psychedelic yet sobering expression of Divine longing. Prayers to God is actually God singing to himself using humans as instruments, the human will being an illusory manifestation of Divine will.

Here I have painted a scenario which is vastly different from that which you are familiar with.

The cosmic source code is an endless series of bytes 11101110..which is derivable from the Fibonacci sequence which is ubiquitously displayed in the realm of nature.

It is the key to understanding the cosmos. Source codes require a programmer and the source code that engenders the existence of the cosmos is intended to display beauty.